Thursday, January 8, 2009


人物:阿杜(歌声起:我不是阿杜,我不会唱天黑。。。旋律参照“我不是黄蓉”),JiqiHuman, 小强,还有我(江湖人称老丐)



旁注:610室诞生了阿杜退学开始了SW工程师的生涯,今日修成正果;小强继续用凝聚态和美剧为自己煮着delicious and colorful life,K歌是他为doctor奋斗过程中的甜点;Jiqihuman“一心一意”的爱着预印本库里的quantum Robot,还"一心一意"的为CS所着迷,两心两意继续他的doctor;我take a big turn, transfer to Master,transfer to IT。



Hoofless Pig said...


Hoofless Pig said...

Hey, Gaigai, glad to hear you get together again. I'm in lab and not able to use Chinese input now. Sorry for that.
I missed Qingzhiwu so much. Did Jiqihuman give some new scientific gossip ? That's always the most interesting part.
Congratulation with your big and successful turn. It's important, as there's a new start for you. I know you can make it. You're so cool.
The same to Xiao Du. I hope you'll like your new life and carrier. Looking at the days and way we passed, it's not easy. I always don't know where is my future, fortunately you find it. That's the point. Congratulations !

Hongwei Fan said...

To Hofless Pig:

Hey, Dandan. Thanks for your congratulation.

Take it easy, you will find you future.