Monday, May 4, 2009


“在下献丑了。” 本人不无谦虚的回答他。

Sunday, April 5, 2009

learning kernel -- 进程调度

learning kernel -- 进程调度


* Implement fully O(1) scheduling. Every algorithm in the new scheduler completes in constant-time, regardless of the number of running processes.

* Implement perfect SMP scalability. Each processor has its own locking and individual runqueue.

* Implement improved SMP affinity. Attempt to group tasks to a specific CPU and continue to run them there. Only migrate tasks from one CPU to another to resolve imbalances in runqueue sizes.

* Provide good interactive performance. Even during considerable system load, the system should react and schedule interactive tasks immediately.

* Provide fairness. No process should find itself starved of timeslice for any reasonable amount of time. Likewise, no process should receive an unfairly high amount of timeslice.

* Optimize for the common case of only one or two runnable processes, yet scale well to multiple processors, each with many processes.

runqueue结构和O(1) scheduling
struct runqueue {
spinlock_t lock; /* spin lock that protects this runqueue */
unsigned long nr_running; /* number of runnable tasks */
unsigned long nr_switches; /* context switch count */
unsigned long expired_timestamp; /* time of last array swap */
unsigned long nr_uninterruptible; /* uninterruptible tasks */
unsigned long long timestamp_last_tick; /* last scheduler tick */
struct task_struct *curr; /* currently running task */
struct task_struct *idle; /* this processor's idle task */
struct mm_struct *prev_mm; /* mm_struct of last ran task */
struct prio_array *active; /* active priority array */
struct prio_array *expired; /* the expired priority array */
struct prio_array arrays[2]; /* the actual priority arrays */
struct task_struct *migration_thread; /* migration thread */
struct list_head migration_queue; /* migration queue*/
atomic_t nr_iowait; /* number of tasks waiting on I/O */

struct prio_array {
int nr_active; /* number of tasks in the queues */
unsigned long bitmap[BITMAP_SIZE]; /* priority bitmap */
struct list_head queue[MAX_PRIO]; /* priority queues */

schedule()是负责从一个进程调度到另一个进程的kernel api

Sleeping and Waking Up

The Load Balancer

Friday, April 3, 2009

learning kernel -- 进程管理

learning kernel -- 进程管理

linux系统的kernel stack和process descriptor
系统为每个进程在linux内核中分配一个kernel stack,每个kernel stack的底端(对于向下增长的栈)存放struct thread_info:

struct thread_info {
struct task_struct *task;
struct exec_domain *exec_domain;
unsigned long flags;
unsigned long status;
__u32 cpu;
__s32 preempt_count;
mm_segment_t addr_limit;
struct restart_block restart_block;
unsigned long previous_esp;
__u8 supervisor_stack[0];
其中thread_info里的struct task_struct里面保存了运行进程的几乎所有信息。内核提供current宏得到当前运行进程的task_struct的地址。

* TASK_RUNNING: 该进程正在运行或者在runqueue里通过进程调度等待运行
* TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE: 该进程处于睡眠状态,放在waitqueue里面,等待特定的条件来唤醒。当收到信号,它也会被唤醒。唤醒后变成TASK_RUNNING状态。
* TASK_ZOMBIE: 子进程退出后但父进程还没有使用wait4来获取子进程退出状态,此时子进程处于TASK_ZOMBIE。此时子进程基本上已经释放了内存和打开的文件等,但它对应的kernel stack和task_struct内容还是保存的。这些在父进程调用完wait4后来回收。

Process and The Linux Implementation of Threads
Why Copy-on-Write
Linux系统运行基本上都是基于进程fork一个子进程方式的,为此如何尽量减少fork的成本是个很重要的问题。本来fork一个子进程要拷贝父进程的kernel stack, task_struct, 父进程的user space的栈空间等,这样的开销是比较大的,尤其对于很多进程,常常fork子进程后马上来一个exec清除这些内容,拷贝的过程完全是浪费的。Copy-on-Write的想法是fork一个子进程后不马上copy那些内容(但kernel stack和task_struct还是省不了的,不过这两个结构不大),而是共享这些资源。只有在需要write修改这些数据时才会标记哪些数据然后copy这些标记的数据。这样就保证了quick process execution。

Process Creation--fork过程
fork调用clone函数, clone再调用do_fork,do_fork做以下事:dup_task_struct, copy_process, get_pid,然后根据copy_process的参数选择到底是copy还是share打开的文件,文件系统信息,信号处理器,进程地址空间等。这些都完了后split父进程的时间片给一部分给子进程。

The Linux Implementation of Threads
linux实现线程的方式有些unique,几乎把线程当作进程来处理。配合Copy-on-Write技术,达到了数据的共享,对于每个线程只是copy一份task_struct的结构和kernel stack。

Process Termitation
每个进程结束后都会调用exit(编译器会在main函数后默认添加它),它会release该进程占用的空间,files,fs等,set它的exit_code,然后通知父进程自己退出并把自己设置为TASK_ZOMDIE状态。此时kernel stack和task_struct内容还保留,只有父进程调用wait返回后这些资源才开始回收。

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Time Show

Happy time slide show

酒越饮越暖,人越玩越开怀。Actually I admire myself at that moment.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

劝君更尽一杯酒 ---- 我的兄弟龙的婚宴印象

2009年3月14日,我的兄弟龙结婚了! 在此祝福他和他的妻子在新的人生旅途中开心幸福!



Monday, March 2, 2009

learning kernel: 预备知识


Intel X86 CPU系列的寻址方式


Intel在8086 CPU中设置了四个“段寄存器”:CS, DS, SS和ES, 分别用于可执行代码,数据,堆栈和其他。每个段寄存器都是16位,对应于地址总线的高16位。这样和某个段寄存器中的内容相加就得到20位实际地址的转化。对于这种类型的断式内存管理,一个进程可以随心所欲的访问从基地址开始的连续的64K字节空间,没有任何的保护机制,所以称这种模式为“实地址模式”。由于缺乏保护机制,所以一个现代的操作系统是无法在此建造起来的。


为了增加保护机制,80386 CPU增设了两个寄存器:GDTR(global descriptor table register)和LDTR(local descritor table register), 分别可以用来指向内存中的一个段描述结构数组,或者称为段表述表。段描述表的数据结构可以用如下伪代码表述:

typedef struct {
unsigned int base24_31 : 8; /* 基地址最高8位 */
unsigned int g : 1; /* 表段的长度单位,0表示字节, 1表示 */
unsigned int d_b :1; /* 存取方式: 0=16位, 1=32位 */
unsigned int unused :1; /* 未使用,设置成0 */
unsigned int avl :1; /* */
unsigned int seg_limit 16_19 :4; /* 段长度的最高4位 */
unsigned int p :1; /* segment present, 为0时表示该段的内容不在内存中 */
unsigned int dpl :2; /* Descriptor privilege level, 访问本段所需权限 */
unsigned int s :1; /* 描述项类型 1表示系统 0表示代码或数据 */
unsigned int type : 4; /* 段的类型 */
unsigned int base_0_23 :24; /* 基地址的低24位 */
unsigned int seg_limmit_0_15: 16; /* 段长度的低16位 */
} 段描述项;



typedef struct {
unsigned short seg_idx : 13; /* 13位的段描述项下标 */
unsigned short ti :1; /* 段描述表指示位, 0表示GDT, 1表示LDT */
unsigned short rpl :2; /* Requested Privilege level, 要求的优先级别 */
} 段寄存器;



typedef struct {
unsigned short dir :10; /* 用作页面表目录中的下标, 该目录项指向一个页表项 */
unsigned short page :10; /* 用作具体页面表中的下标,该表项指向一个物理页面 */
unsigned short offset :12; /* 在4K字节物理页面内的偏移量 */
} 线性地址;


typedef struct {
unsigned int ptba : 20; /* 页面基地址的高20位 */
unsigned int avail :3; /* 供系统程序员使用 */
unsigned int g :1; /* global,全局性页面 */
unsigned int ps :1; /* 页面大小, 0表示4K字节 */
unsigned int reserved :1; /* 保留, 默认为0*/
unsigned int a :1; /* accessed, 表示已访问过 */
unsigned int pcd; /*关闭缓存存储器 */
unsigned int pwt; /* Write-Through,用于缓冲存储区 */
unsigned int u_s; /* 为0时表示系统权限, 为1时表示用户权限 */
unsigned int r_w : 1; /* 只读或可写 */
unsigned int p :1; /* 为0时表示相应的页面不在内存中 */
} 目录项;



Saturday, February 28, 2009

本杰明·巴顿奇事 感动的台词

  Queenie: Everyone feels different about themselves one way or another, but we all goin' the same way.

——你永远也不清楚,接下来会发生什么。(You never know what's coming for you)




  Benjamin Button: What if I told you that instead of gettin' older, I was gettin' younger than everybody else?
  Mrs. Maple: Benjamin, we're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?


  Captain Mike: You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.

  Mr. Daws: Blinded in one eye; can't hardly hear. I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere; always losing my line of thought. But you know what? God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive.

  Daisy: Would you still love me if I were old and saggy?
  Benjamin Button: Would you still love ME if I were young and had acne? When I'm afraid of what's under the bed? Or if I end up wetting the bed?

  Benjamin Button: I was thinking how nothing lasts, and what a shame that is.
  Daisy: Some things last.

——一件事无论太晚,或者对我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人。这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始。要改变或者保留原状都 无所谓,做事本不应该有所束缚。我们可以办好这件事却也可以把它搞砸,但我希望最终你能成为你想成为的那个人。我希望你有时候能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的 世界,体会你从未有过的感觉,我希望你能见到其他与你观点不同的人们,我希望你能有一个值得自豪的一生。如果和你想象的生活不一样,我希望你能有勇气,重 新启程。
  Benjamin Button: [Voice over; letter to his daughter] For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

  有些人 就在河边出生;
  有些人 被闪电击中过;
  有些人 对音乐有着非凡的天赋;
  有些人 是艺术家;
  有些人 游泳;
  有些人 懂得纽扣;
  有些人 知道莎士比亚 而有些人 是母亲;
  也有些人 能够跳舞
  Some people, were born to sit by a river.
  Some get struck by lightning.
  Some have an ear for music.
  Some are artists.
  Some swim.
  Some know buttons.
  Some know Shakespeare.
  Some are mothers.
  And some people, dance.

  Daisy: Will you sleep with me?
  Benjamin Button: Absolutely.
  Daisy:Goodnight Benjamin.
  Benjamin Button: Goodnight Daisy.

语言和刮胡子 && 自我修养问题

早上起来终于准备打理自己的胡子,我还是钟情于手动的剃须刀,刀片划过皮肤的感觉很好,Ronaldo同学听到我刮胡子的声音说:你还用手动剃须刀啊 后来我们引出了一段刮胡子和语言的对话:
word, excel等是电动剃须刀,很好用,很强大,直接推就行了;

好了,扯皮到此, 语言就是个语言,是个表达工具而已,程序员的自我修养才是王道。下午打电话给萝卜恭喜了一番他的《程序员的自我修养》终于快要出书了。准备入手一本来ym一把。

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weekly Report(WW01)

Weekly Report (WW01)

  • Complete reading the chapter "Machine-Level Representation of Programs" of CSAPP
  • Complete to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox, configure the network and install and configure the powerful and lovely emacs23 on Ubuntu
  • Watch the movie "Once" and Listen to Album "Once"; Listen to the Album "菊次郞的夏天"

Plans for next week

  • Begin to work
  • Continue to read TICPP 2vol


  • Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox and Configure the network --0.5d
  • Install and configure the powerful and lovely emacs23 on Ubuntu --0.5d


  • Reading books --1d
  • Spend too much time to read news and surf on the internet
  • The time used to read books is too limitting.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


人物:阿杜(歌声起:我不是阿杜,我不会唱天黑。。。旋律参照“我不是黄蓉”),JiqiHuman, 小强,还有我(江湖人称老丐)



旁注:610室诞生了阿杜退学开始了SW工程师的生涯,今日修成正果;小强继续用凝聚态和美剧为自己煮着delicious and colorful life,K歌是他为doctor奋斗过程中的甜点;Jiqihuman“一心一意”的爱着预印本库里的quantum Robot,还"一心一意"的为CS所着迷,两心两意继续他的doctor;我take a big turn, transfer to Master,transfer to IT。
